Articles by: focustherapy
Speech Therapists: Play Dates Are Positive for Your Child’s Social Skills
Play dates are often a welcome respite for many parents, offering an opportunity for the adults to interact as much as the children. What many parents may not realize, though, is that these are golden opportunities to model socialization for…
- Categorized: Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy
- Tagged: Fort Myers speech therapy, speech therapists, speech therapy
Study: Kids With ADHD Thrive With Positive Reinforcement
Part of what our pediatric therapists at FOCUS Fort Myers work on with all “our kids” is regulation of emotional responses. Let’s face it: We all get angry. It takes time to learn to control our responses, and even adults…
- Categorized: Behavior Therapy, Occupational Therapy
- Tagged: ADHD, behavior therapy, FOCUS families, occupational therapy, pediatric therapists
Speech Therapists Use Social Stories to Spur Language Development
Sometimes children with speech and language delays need a bit of additional help learning about social situations and appropriate responses. Our speech therapists in Fort Myers know one tool that has proven extremely useful is “Social Stories.” A social story…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: pediatric speech therapy, social stories, speech therapists, speech therapy, speech therapy Fort Myers
Occupational Therapists Can Assist With Motor Planning for Children With Cerebral Palsy
Motor planning is the ability to plan and carry out motor tasks. As our occupational therapists in Fort Myers know, this can be especially difficult for children with cerebral palsy. Early intervention is critical because motor planning is essential for…
Occupational Therapy Can Help Your Child With Transitions
Staff Report, FOCUS Therapy Change is a part of life. From a strict dictionary definition, a transition is a passage from one state, subject or place to another. For children with delays or special needs, transitions can be difficult, whether…
Physical Therapy Can Help Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Staff Report, FOCUS Therapy Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are conditions that result in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. The effects can include problems with learning and behavior, as well as issues with muscle tone. At FOCUS…
- Categorized: Physical Therapy
- Tagged: fetal alcohol syndrome, physical therapy
Speech Therapist Answers: “Why Does My Child With Autism Echo Words and Sounds?”
Staff Report, FOCUS Therapy When a child with autism is first learning how to speak, it’s often delayed and it may not develop in the same way as typically functioning children. As your Fort Myers speech therapist can explain, many…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: child speech therapist, echolalia, Fort Myers speech therapist, speech therapist, speech therapy
“Bad” Behavior in Kids Could Signal Need for Occupational & Speech Therapy
Staff Report, FOCUS Therapy At some point, most parents have been on the receiving end of judgmental looks due to a child’s behavior. Tantrums in the cereal aisle are practically an official rite of passage for all toddlers. But “bad”…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: occupational therapy, speech therapist, speech therapists, speech therapy
Study: Speech Delay May be Caused, Worsened By Excess Screen Time
Staff Report, FOCUS Therapy An increase of screen time among young children – particularly involving smartphones and iPads – may heighten the risk of a speech delay, according to new research presented at the 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. As…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: smartphones, speech delay, speech delays, speech therapists
What’s the Big Deal About Scars, Anyway? An Occupational Therapist Explains.
By Krystle Hofstetter, MScOTR/L, Occupational Therapist at FOCUS Almost all of us have one, yet we try our best to pretend they don’t exist. They vary in size, shape, color and even texture. Some are new, while others we’ve had as long…
- Categorized: Occupational Therapy
- Tagged: occupational therapist, occupational therapy