speech therapists

Speech Therapists: Play Dates Are Positive for Your Child’s Social Skills

pediatric therapists

Study: Kids With ADHD Thrive With Positive Reinforcement

speech therapists

Speech Therapists Use Social Stories to Spur Language Development

occupational therapists

Occupational Therapists Can Assist With Motor Planning for Children With Cerebral Palsy

occupational therapist

Occupational Therapy Can Help Your Child With Transitions

physical therapist

Physical Therapy Can Help Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

speech therapist

Speech Therapist Answers: “Why Does My Child With Autism Echo Words and Sounds?”

speech therapist

“Bad” Behavior in Kids Could Signal Need for Occupational & Speech Therapy

speech delay

Study: Speech Delay May be Caused, Worsened By Excess Screen Time

occupational therapist

What’s the Big Deal About Scars, Anyway? An Occupational Therapist Explains.