types of AAC Fort Myers speech therapists

Types of AAC Our Fort Myers Speech Therapists Utilize

When people hear, “augmentative and alternative communication” (better known as “AAC”), they tend to assume we’re talking about sophisticated communication devices that may be used for children with substantial speech and language difficulties. It does include that sort of intervention, but there are many types of AAC devices – including some that are unaided and don’t require any tech at all.

Our Fort Myers speech therapists work directly with your child to determine the best type of AAC device for their particular needs.

FOCUS offers pediatric speech therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

Augmentative and Alternative Communication, ASHA

AAC Fort Myers Augmentative & Alternative Communication, FOCUS Therapy

More Blog Entries:

Unlocking Communication: How Fort Myers Speech Therapists Use AAC for Kids, April 12, 2024, FOCUS Fort Myers Speech Therapy AAC Blog

Fort Myers occupational therapists

“Heavy Work” Recommended by Fort Myers Occupational Therapists

Fort Myers swimming lessons FOCUS therapy occupational therapist recommendations

Fort Myers Swimming Lessons Can Reduce Drowning Risk for Kids With Disabilities

Children with disabilities are often at higher risk of drowning, particularly in Florida. Fort Myers swimming lessons can go a long way toward reducing that risk.

A few local Fort Myers swimming lessons providers that may be helpful resources for our FOCUS families:

ISR Fort Myers. This is a survival swim course that teaches babies as young as 6 months how to survive for those crucial few minutes if they fall into a pool unsupervised.

Swimtastic Fort Myers. Hosted at a local gym, these Fort Myers swimming lessons include an Adapted Aquatics program that takes into account each child’s physical developmental abilities. Instructors have experience with children with a broad range of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, ADHD, cerebral palsy, sensory integration difficulty, and other physical challenges. They also have a Therapeutic Aquatic Program to help children who have muscular or limb challenges or those who struggle with head control.

Sunsational Swim School. Private swim instructions that can take place at your own pool. Some instructors are specifically trained to provide swim instruction for kids with special needs.

YMCA of South Florida. The YMCA has a year-round Swim Buddies program for children with disabilities ages 4 and older. Swimmers get matched with a qualified “swim buddy” volunteer, who works with them on basic swim safety skills – including getting used to being in the water, drowning prevention, and fundamental swimming techniques.

InstaSwim. This is another at-home, private swimming lesson instruction, which can be tailored specifically to assist the varying needs of children with special needs. Instructors have worked with children who have autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, sensory integration disorder, and physical difficulties.

Florida Swim Company. This provider has swim instructors in both Naples and Fort Myers, who will come to your home or community pool to teach a customized swim class.

Note: This list may not be exhaustive! We hope it gives our FOCUS Families somewhere to start on their search for Fort Myers swimming lessons for their children.

Our ultimate goal as therapists is to ensure nothing is holding these kids back in life. Learning to swim is part of that! So even though we don’t provide swimming lessons directly, we’re happy to give parents helpful information to get them started as they look for the services needed to ensure their child learns the skills necessary to stay safe and thrive.

FOCUS Therapy offers ABA therapy, ADOS testing, speech therapy, and occupational therapy to children in Lee County, Florida.

Additional Resources:

Association Between Swimming Lessons and Drowning in Childhood, 2009, Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine

Swim and Water Safety, September 2018, Autism Speaks

More Blog Entries:

Water Safety Tips for Florida Kids With Special Needs, June 15, 2024, Fort Myers Occupational Therapy Blog

FOCUS Therapy water week flier


Who says therapy has to be dry & boring? Let’s get this summer started!! At FOCUS Therapy in Fort Myers, we’re hosting a fin-tastic few days with Water Week, June 10-13 (Monday-Thursday).

Parents, if you want your child to participate, be sure to:

  • Arrive with your child already in their bathing suit, sunscreen already applied.
  • Pack a towel & a change of clothes.

We’ll have an inflatable water slide, water balloons, sprinklers, water games, and more!

All kids, all disciplines are welcome to join in the fun. Our speech, occupational, ABA, and physical therapy patients will be working on their therapy goals – from sensory processing and self-regulation to social skills and expressive communication to fine and gross motor skills.

If you have questions, feel free to ask your child’s individual therapist – or call the FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers office at (239) 313-5049. Can’t wait to SEA you there!

FOCUS offers pediatric speech therapy, occupational therapy, and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

2 Exciting Ways Water-Based Games Enhance Occupational Therapy Outcomes for Children, April 2, 2024, By Lyka Alcazar, Miss Millennia Magazine

More Blog Entries:

Is Your Child Sensory-Seeking or Sensory-Sensitive? Or Both? May 3, 2024, FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers Blog

sensory seeking versus sensory sensitive Fort Myers ABA therapists child behavior experts

Is Your Child Sensory-Seeking or Sensory-Sensitive? Or Both?

Is your child sensory-seeking, sensory-sensitive – or both??

As Fort Myers ABA therapists, we recognize that many behaviors are rooted in sensory processing issues. This is particularly true of kids who are on the autism spectrum.

Understanding your child’s sensory needs help us formulate a daily “sensory diet” – which can often go a long way toward minimizing unexpected/problematic behaviors.

Even if your child doesn’t qualify for full-time, intensive ABA therapy, our child behavior experts provide private behavior consulting to help parents tackle child behavior problems – many of which can be linked to sensory processing difficulties.

FOCUS offers child behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

More Blog Entries:

ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting, May 3, 2024, Fort Myers Child Behavior Therapy Blog

FOCUS Speech-language therapy strategies for teaching kids to talk

Our Fort Myers Speech-Language Therapy Strategies for Kids

Concerned your child’s speech might be delayed? Or just want to give them as big of a speech-language boost as you can? Here are our Fort Myers speech-language therapy strategies for encouraging communication with young children.

ALL kids can benefit when caregivers incorporate these strategies, but if you’re worried your child’s speech-language acquisition isn’t keeping pace with their peers, ask your child’s pediatrician for a referral to a speech therapy for consultation/evaluation.

FOCUS Therapy offers pediatric speech therapy, ABA therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

early signs of autism Fort Myers ABA therapy

Spotting The Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

If you’re concerned your child might have early signs of autism, do NOT to “wait-and-see.”

We know “autism” is a scary word for many parents. The idea that something could be “wrong” with your child or that they’re going to need a full schedule of therapies – it’s overwhelming. We get it. In fact, some of our therapists also have kids on the spectrum; it’s what got us into the field.

Here’s what’s important to know: A diagnosis isn’t a dead-end. It’s a door. It’s what unlocks access to the essential services that will ultimately help your child reach their full potential. There is ample research showing that the sooner we can start early intervention therapies (ABA, speech, OT) with kids on the autism spectrum, the better their long-term prognosis – by miles.

As awareness increases and parents and doctors are becoming more vigilant in spotting the early signs of autism, diagnoses as early as 12 months and treatment as young as 18 months.

FOCUS Therapy provides early intervention therapies, as well as ADOS testing (a standardized test used by doctors in diagnosing autism) and child behavior consulting (for patients who are on an ABA waitlist or lack a qualifying diagnosis for it).

Every kid is different. Autism isn’t going to look the same each one. Actual outcomes vary depending on a host of factors. What we can tell you for certain is that many of the kids we treat at FOCUS Therapy – particularly those who start with us very young – ultimately “graduate” from our services. Some you could cross on the street today and never know they have a diagnosis unless you knew them well or were specifically told. That’s not evidence of a “cure” for autism. But what it does illustrate that when we start early and parents stay committed to the process, we can help these kids reach their full potential to live full, productive, happy lives.

Our team of dedicated Fort Myers ABA, speech, OT, and physical therapists care about these kids. Our patients come first. And we know the sooner we can start treating them, the better chance they’ll have to succeed in whatever comes next.

So if you are concerned your child may be showing early signs of autism – do not wait. Ask your pediatrician for an autism screening and local ADOS test referral.

FOCUS offers speech therapy, occupational therapy, pediatric behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

More Blog Entries:

ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting, Fort Myers ABA Therapist Blog

play-based therapy Fort Myers speech therapy, ABA therapy, Occupational therapy, physical therapy

Why We Love Play-Based Therapy for Kids in Speech, ABA, OT, and PT

FOCUS Therapy offers pediatric speech therapy, ABA therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

The Efficacy of Play Therapy With Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes., 2005, American Psychological Association

ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting for child behavior problems Fort Myers

ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting

Are you a parent struggling with difficult child behaviors, but your child doesn’t qualify for intensive ABA therapy? If your child does not have a qualifying diagnosis for ABA, is on a waitlist for ABA, doesn’t have insurance to cover ABA, or you simply aren’t ready for the kind of major commitment ABA therapy requires to be effective, FOCUS Therapy offers Behavior Consulting for kids and parents in Fort Myers.

Our ABA therapists can give parents the tools to help them address a myriad of behavior problems – without requiring ADOS testing, physician referral, or comprehensive diagnostic testing and in-depth plans of care.

Although we are based in Fort Myers, FL we can also offer Florida virtual behavior consulting for kids & parents throughout state – and beyond.

Our services include consultation, parent coaching, written action plans, social stories, visual schedules, helpful books and video guides, follow-up sessions (over the phone, video conferencing, emails, etc.), and other tools to help parents get to the root of the behavior issue and implement effective course correction.

FOCUS offers child behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

Understanding Behavior: A Guide for Parents, The University of Pittsburgh

Fort Myers ABA autism motor skills pediatric therapy

How Autism Impacts Motor Skills – and How Fort Myers ABA & OT Helps