ABA therapy

Fort Myers ABA Therapy Helps Target Toilet Training

speech disorders

Researchers: Speech Disorders Examined Through Songbirds

Physical therapy

Physical Therapy Targets Gross Motor Delays That Spur Other Problems

occupational therapists

Why Our FOCUS Speech and Occupational Therapists LOVE Puppets

sensory diet

Feeding Your Child’s “Sensory Diet” at the Beach

You may have heard your occupational therapist use the term “sensory diet.” It’s how we describe those activities employed to help assist children with sensory processing disorder. The technical term for these activities is “sensory integration intervention.” Many children with…

communication delays

Communication Delays Spur Problem Behaviors

occupational therapy

Interconnected Speech, Behavior, Physical and Occupational Therapy Leads to Best Outcomes

behavior therapy

Study: Behavior Therapy Can Help Address Obesity Among Children With Autism

FOCUS is gearing up to begin offering applied behavioral analysis, or ABA therapy (behavior therapy), to children in Southwest Florida. ABA is one of the most effective early intervention treatments for children with autism spectrum disorder and other conditions. Behavior…

Fort Myers Speech Therapy

Breakthrough Florida Study Predicts Speech Therapy Needs for Children With Hearing Loss

Researchers at Florida State University’s School of Communication Science and Disorders just announced a breakthrough study regarding anticipated speech therapy for children with hearing loss. Teaming up with a group of international scientists and accessing high-tech brain scans and algorithms,…

Fort Myers Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists Recognize National Handwriting Day