speech therapy
Fort Myers Speech Therapist Tips on Reducing Kids’ Screen Time
Kids’ recreational screen time more than doubled in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics. This is concerning news because, as a Fort Myers speech therapist will…
Why Early Intervention Speech Therapy is SO Important if Your Child is Delayed
Speech and language skills are critical to a child’s ability to learn and interact in the world around them. When speech-language delays are identified and treated right away, there are exponential benefits for their social-emotional and academic growth. The early…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: Fort Myers speech therapy, kids speech therapist, speech therapist Fort Myers, speech therapy
Boost Child Development While Playing in Nature
As the weather cools in Southwest Florida, it’s the perfect time to get outside and play with your child! It’s not just about enjoying the day and making some memories (though these are worth it in itself). Our speech, occupational,…
- Categorized: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, child development, child learning, occupational therapy, physical therapy, play is work, speech therapy
Why Our Fort Myers Speech Therapy Intake Forms Inquire About Low Birth Weight
Some parents note when filling out our Fort Myers speech therapy intake forms that we inquire as to whether their child had a low birth weight. You may wonder what this has to do with speech therapy. The answer, as…
My Son Has Autism… When – and How – Should I Tell Him?
Your child has autism. You know it. The rest of the family knows it. His teachers and therapists know it. Maybe even a few of his classmates know it. But when should HE know it? And how should you tell…
Does My Child Need a Fort Myers Speech Therapist if His Speech is Hard to Understand?
When your child is hard to understand, it can be stressful for you, your family, friends, educators – and perhaps most especially, your child. Of course, nobody enters this world speaking perfectly, and each child has their own timeline for…
That Tricky “TH” Sound – When Should You Be Concerned? Pediatric Speech Therapists Weigh In.
Does your child say “brudder” for “brother”? “Dat” for “that”? “Fing” for “thing”? As our Fort Myers pediatric speech therapists can explain, the ‘th’ sound is one that develops later for a lot of kids. Some master it sooner, often…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: pediatric speech therapy, speech therapy, speech-language pathologist, th sound
My Child Has a Lisp. Does She Need Speech Therapy?
Lisps are practically universal among small children who are learning to talk. In fact, they can be pretty darn cute. But when a lisp persists beyond a certain age, it’s time to consider whether speech therapy intervention is necessary. Lisps…
- Categorized: Speech Therapy
- Tagged: childhood lisps, lisps, speech therapist, speech therapy
Cooking Up Some Communication! Tips From FOCUS Speech Therapists on Meal Prep as a Language Booster
Building kids’ speech and language skills isn’t just some magic we cook up in the clinic – it’s something you can do in your very own kitchen too! As our FOCUS speech therapists can explain, the more you can help…
Why Speech Pathologists Focus So Much on “WH” Questions With Kids
The ability to ask and answer “Wh” questions is an integral part of language development. Speech pathologists recognize that kids must first be able to understand questions before they can engage in an exchange of information. It’s the very foundation…