Fort Myers ABA Therapy and other early intervention therapy services

7 Super Awesome Benefits of In-Clinic ABA Therapy for Kids in Southwest Florida

Many ABA therapy providers in Southwest Florida share similar approaches and philosophies with respect to evidence-based methodologies and evaluation standards. That said, there are different schools of thought when it comes to the optimal treatment setting – whether that’s in-clinic,…

Fort Myers ABA Therapist

Fort Myers ABA Therapist Travel Tips for Families of Kids With Autism

FOCUS Therapy ABA therapy

ABA Therapy & Occupational Therapy Helps Kids Self-Regulate Big Emotions

Contact FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers

FOCUS Therapy Only Schedules Evaluations if We Have Space to Treat Your Child

Evaluations are an important step in the process of securing speech, occupational, physical, and/or ABA therapy for your child. But parents and caregivers should be wary of facilities that offer these evaluations while lacking capacity to immediately treat the child.…

sensory meltdown

Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown? Fort Myers ABA Therapists Explain

Fort Myers ABA therapy

5 Fort Myers ABA Therapy Techniques

Behavior therapy – specifically, applied behavioral analysis, begins with understanding the science of behavior. At our Fort Myers ABA therapy clinics, we use this understanding to employ specific strategies proven to help children with autism and other conditions achieve their…

ABA Therapy Fort Myers

Understanding ABA Therapy

FOCUS Therapy evaluations

Why FOCUS Asks Parents to Stay in the Waiting Room During Evals, Sessions

FOCUS Therapy in Fort Myers conducts a range of in-depth evaluations for children who have been referred for speech, occupational, physical, or ABA therapies as well as ADOS testing. During our evaluations and therapy sessions, we rarely allow families to…

ABA Therapy

Top 4 Benefits of In-Clinic ABA Therapy

Fort Myers ABA therapy

How ABA Therapy Can Help Fort Myers Kids