FOCUS Florida early intervention therapy benefits

Benefits of Early Intervention Therapy

Fort Myers ABA therapists 6 tips for better sleep

Fort Myers ABA Therapists Offer 6 Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep can be a struggle for all of us at some point. It’s known to be especially tough for children with autism, ADHD, sensory processing difficulties, and other conditions common among the pediatric patients we regularly treat as Fort Myers…

Fort Myers ABA therapy bribery vs. reinforcement

Bribery vs. Reinforcement: Understanding the Difference in Fort Myers ABA Therapy

Our Fort Myers ABA therapy providers at FOCUS know that the reinforcement strategies used in our sessions can sometimes be confused for bribery. Here, we break down the key differences – which can help parents understand why one is highly…

behavior science strategies

Fort Myers ABA Therapists Provide Behavior Science Strategies for Parents

Our Fort Myers ABA therapists use proven behavior science strategies to address difficult or dangerous behaviors and promote functional and safe behaviors. A big part of our efforts involve parent education. The more these skills are practiced at home and…

Fort Myers IEP Assistance & Planning

Fort Myers IEP Assistance & Planning Help for Middle School Accommodations

At FOCUS Therapy, our practice is mainly centered around early intervention with younger kids. That said, some of our patients continue to work with us through elementary school and beyond. The transition from elementary to middle school can be a…

behavior consulting Fort Myers

FOCUS Therapy Now Offers Behavior Consulting for Southwest Florida Kids

Hiring RBT Florida

sensory meltdown

Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown? Fort Myers ABA Therapists Explain

FOCUS Therapy sensory gym

Our Favorite Sensory Gym Equipment for Kids With Disabilities & Delays

A sensory gym can be summed up in a single phrase: “Putting the FUN in FUNctional!” If your child is beginning pediatric therapy (speech, occupational, physical, or ABA) at one of our two Fort Myers clinics, you’ve probably noticed some…

ABA therapy

How Behavior Chaining Works in ABA Therapy

ABA therapy, short for applied behavior analysis or behavior therapy, focuses on studying behaviors – understanding them – and then incorporating techniques that promote expected behaviors and modify unexpected behaviors. One of the strategies our Fort Myers ABA therapy team…