Fort Myers occupational therapist

Parents as “Speech Therapists”: Study Shows YOU Are Key to Child’s Success

speech therapy

Child Too Young For Speech Therapy? No Such Thing!

occupational therapists

OT Travel Tips for Families of Children With Special Needs

physical therapists

Pediatric Physical Therapists Say Swimming Has Many Key Benefits for Kids

feeding therapy

“Is My Child Just Picky, Or Does She Need Food Therapy?”

speech pathologists

Speech Pathologists Advise: Ditch The Sippy Cup

behavior therapists

Behavior Therapists: Help Your Child With Autism Keep Their Cool Despite Summer Routine Disruptions

Most families of school-age children are familiar with the “summer slide,” that break in routine that slows the momentum of progress in the long, lazy days of summer. Fort Myers behavior therapists at FOCUS know “the slide” can be especially…

speech therapy

Smartphones & Speech Therapy: A GR8! Combo

sensory processing disorder treated by Fort Myers occupational therapy

OT Helps Children Successfully Cope With Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder is when the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information obtained via the senses. Although it’s not formally recognized as a distinct medical diagnosis, our occupational therapists in Fort Myers know it’s very real and something…

speech delay

Speech Development Milestones for Kindergarten Readiness