Fort Myers ABA therapists

Fort Myers ABA Therapists Adhere to Best Autism Treatment Practices – Both Time-Tested, Evolving

occupational therapy exercises

Our Favorite At-Home Occupational Therapy Exercises for Children

The FOCUS Fort Myers occupational therapists have years of education and experience in developing goals and a plan-of-care for our pediatric patients, with the goal of promoting the highest level of functioning in everyday life. But as parents, you don’t…

Fort Myers pediatric physical therapy

Pediatric Physical Therapy Students Develop Technology to Help Children With Disabilities

Fort Myers speech therapists

Are My Child’s Tonsils Affecting Speech? Fort Myers Speech Therapists Weigh In

Fort Myers speech therapists

Speech Therapists: For Strong Language Development, Talk Your Kid’s Ear Off

Children learn speech and language through immersion. They closely watch your lips and hear the sounds while working to grasp the meaning. When there is a delay or disability that impedes that process, FOCUS Fort Myers speech therapists can help…

Fort Myers occupational therapists

Report: Hiring for Occupational Therapists on the Upswing

Fort Myers Physical Therapy Builds Strength After Teen Knee Surgery

Fort Myers speech therapy kids

Pup Can Give Child’s Speech Therapy Pep, Study Says

occupational therapy autism

How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children With Autism?

Down syndrome speech therapy

Effective Fort Myers Speech Therapy for Children With Down Syndrome