occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy Helps Prepare Kids With Sensory Disorders for the Dentist

occupational therapy Fort Myers

Occupational Therapists: Essential Oils Aid Self-Regulation in Children With Autism

ABA therapy Fort Myers

Early Intervention Speech, Occupational, ABA Therapy Preparing Wave of People With Autism for Workforce

Fort Myers physical therapy

Identifying, Treating Pediatric Vestibular Dysfunction Involves Occupational, Physical Therapy Collaboration

Once upon a time, vestibular dysfunction in children was thought to be exceptionally rare. Our occupational and physical therapists know, however, that pediatric vestibular disorders, which affect as many as 35 percent of adults, are increasingly being identified earlier than…

occupational therapists Fort Myers

Occupational Therapists Offer Sensory Tips for Kids on Winter Break

occupational therapy autism

How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children With Autism?

occupational therapists

OT Travel Tips for Families of Children With Special Needs

speech therapy

Smartphones & Speech Therapy: A GR8! Combo

sensory processing disorder treated by Fort Myers occupational therapy

OT Helps Children Successfully Cope With Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder is when the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information obtained via the senses. Although it’s not formally recognized as a distinct medical diagnosis, our occupational therapists in Fort Myers know it’s very real and something…

occupational therapists

Why Our FOCUS Speech and Occupational Therapists LOVE Puppets