behavior therapy
Practice These Behavior Therapy Strategies at Home!
Practicing Fort Myers behavior therapy strategies at home helps your child faster generalize the skills they’re learning in ABA therapy. Check out these tips for how to implement some of the approaches our behavior therapists (BCBAs & RBTs) use frequently…
- Categorized: ABA Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
5 Major Benefits of Our Fort Myers ABA Therapy
If your child has been referred to Fort Myers ABA therapy, you’re likely learning what a commitment it is and wondering if it will truly be worth it. At FOCUS Therapy, we answer with a resounding “YES!” It’s not just…
- Categorized: ABA Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
Top Fort Myers ABA Therapy Misconceptions
As Fort Myers ABA therapy practitioners, we have been confronted with so many misconceptions about this treatment. We’re passionate about this work because we see the phenomenal difference it makes in the lives of these kids, their families, and their…
- Categorized: ABA Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
FOCUS Therapy Now Offers Behavior Consulting for Southwest Florida Kids
FOCUS Therapy is now offering a new service called behavior consulting to families and kids in Southwest Florida. We recognize that ABA therapy is not available to every family – either because their child doesn’t have a qualifying diagnosis like…
- Categorized: Behavior Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior consulting, behavior therapy
Congratulations to Our Newest Therapist Grad!
Big shout out to Christie Lawrence!! A much-loved RBT (registered behavior technician) in the ABA therapy department at FOCUS since 2019, Christie just earned her bachelor’s degree in Public Health, with a minor in ABA (BCaBA), from the University of…
- Categorized: ABA Therapy
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
Break Those Bad Screen Time Habits With These Tips From FOCUS Therapy
- Categorized: Articles, FOCUS News
- Tagged: behavior therapy, Focus Therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy, Fort Myers occupational therapy, Fort Myers speech therapy, screen time
- Categorized: ABA Therapy, Behavior Therapy
- Tagged: behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
7 Super Awesome Benefits of In-Clinic ABA Therapy for Kids in Southwest Florida
Many ABA therapy providers in Southwest Florida share similar approaches and philosophies with respect to evidence-based methodologies and evaluation standards. That said, there are different schools of thought when it comes to the optimal treatment setting – whether that’s in-clinic,…
All Therapy at FOCUS is Play-Based Therapy
At FOCUS, all of our Fort Myers therapies are play-based therapy. Of course, play can be a lot of fun for as adults too – but the real reason we use a play-based therapy model in our speech, occupational, physical,…
- Categorized: FOCUS News
- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Focus Therapy, occupational therapy, play based therapy, speech therapy
Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown? Fort Myers ABA Therapists Explain
When working with kids who have varying sensory struggles, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a tantrum or a sensory meltdown. Our Fort Myers ABA therapists recognize that it often takes some detective work to differentiate. But…
- Categorized: ABA Therapy, ADOS Testing, Behavior Therapy
- Tagged: behavior therapy, child tantrums, Fort Myers ABA, Fort Myers ABA Therapy, sensory meltdown