Fort Myers ABA therapist strategies to use at home

Practice These Behavior Therapy Strategies at Home!

Fort Myers ABA therapy

5 Major Benefits of Our Fort Myers ABA Therapy

Fort Myers ABA therapy

Top Fort Myers ABA Therapy Misconceptions

behavior consulting Fort Myers

FOCUS Therapy Now Offers Behavior Consulting for Southwest Florida Kids

FOCUS Therapy ABA therapy Christie Lawrence

Congratulations to Our Newest Therapist Grad!

FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers Florida

Break Those Bad Screen Time Habits With These Tips From FOCUS Therapy

Hiring RBT Florida

Fort Myers ABA Therapy and other early intervention therapy services

7 Super Awesome Benefits of In-Clinic ABA Therapy for Kids in Southwest Florida

Many ABA therapy providers in Southwest Florida share similar approaches and philosophies with respect to evidence-based methodologies and evaluation standards. That said, there are different schools of thought when it comes to the optimal treatment setting – whether that’s in-clinic,…

play based therapy FOCUS

All Therapy at FOCUS is Play-Based Therapy

sensory meltdown

Tantrum or Sensory Meltdown? Fort Myers ABA Therapists Explain