Who says therapy has to be dry & boring? Let’s get this summer started!! At FOCUS Therapy in Fort Myers, we’re hosting a fin-tastic few days with Water Week, June 10-13 (Monday-Thursday).
Parents, if you want your child to participate, be sure to:
- Arrive with your child already in their bathing suit, sunscreen already applied.
- Pack a towel & a change of clothes.
We’ll have an inflatable water slide, water balloons, sprinklers, water games, and more!
All kids, all disciplines are welcome to join in the fun. Our speech, occupational, ABA, and physical therapy patients will be working on their therapy goals – from sensory processing and self-regulation to social skills and expressive communication to fine and gross motor skills.
If you have questions, feel free to ask your child’s individual therapist – or call the FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers office at (239) 313-5049. Can’t wait to SEA you there!
FOCUS offers pediatric speech therapy, occupational therapy, and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
Additional Resources:
2 Exciting Ways Water-Based Games Enhance Occupational Therapy Outcomes for Children, April 2, 2024, By Lyka Alcazar, Miss Millennia Magazine
More Blog Entries:
Is Your Child Sensory-Seeking or Sensory-Sensitive? Or Both? May 3, 2024, FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers Blog
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- Tagged: Focus Therapy
Is Your Child Sensory-Seeking or Sensory-Sensitive? Or Both?
Is your child sensory-seeking, sensory-sensitive – or both??
As Fort Myers ABA therapists, we recognize that many behaviors are rooted in sensory processing issues. This is particularly true of kids who are on the autism spectrum.
Understanding your child’s sensory needs help us formulate a daily “sensory diet” – which can often go a long way toward minimizing unexpected/problematic behaviors.
Even if your child doesn’t qualify for full-time, intensive ABA therapy, our child behavior experts provide private behavior consulting to help parents tackle child behavior problems – many of which can be linked to sensory processing difficulties.
FOCUS offers child behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
More Blog Entries:
ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting, May 3, 2024, Fort Myers Child Behavior Therapy Blog
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- Tagged: autism behaviors, autism sensory issues, autism treatment, behavior therapy, child behavior issues, child behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy, Fort Myers child behavior therapy, Fort Myers occupational therapy, occupational therapy, sensory seeking, sensory sensitive
Our Fort Myers Speech-Language Therapy Strategies for Kids
Concerned your child’s speech might be delayed? Or just want to give them as big of a speech-language boost as you can? Here are our Fort Myers speech-language therapy strategies for encouraging communication with young children.
ALL kids can benefit when caregivers incorporate these strategies, but if you’re worried your child’s speech-language acquisition isn’t keeping pace with their peers, ask your child’s pediatrician for a referral to a speech therapy for consultation/evaluation.
FOCUS Therapy offers pediatric speech therapy, ABA therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
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- Tagged: Fort Myers speech therapy, speech therapists, speech therapy
Spotting The Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder
If you’re concerned your child might have early signs of autism, do NOT to “wait-and-see.”
We know “autism” is a scary word for many parents. The idea that something could be “wrong” with your child or that they’re going to need a full schedule of therapies – it’s overwhelming. We get it. In fact, some of our therapists also have kids on the spectrum; it’s what got us into the field.
Here’s what’s important to know: A diagnosis isn’t a dead-end. It’s a door. It’s what unlocks access to the essential services that will ultimately help your child reach their full potential. There is ample research showing that the sooner we can start early intervention therapies (ABA, speech, OT) with kids on the autism spectrum, the better their long-term prognosis – by miles.
As awareness increases and parents and doctors are becoming more vigilant in spotting the early signs of autism, diagnoses as early as 12 months and treatment as young as 18 months.
FOCUS Therapy provides early intervention therapies, as well as ADOS testing (a standardized test used by doctors in diagnosing autism) and child behavior consulting (for patients who are on an ABA waitlist or lack a qualifying diagnosis for it).
Every kid is different. Autism isn’t going to look the same each one. Actual outcomes vary depending on a host of factors. What we can tell you for certain is that many of the kids we treat at FOCUS Therapy – particularly those who start with us very young – ultimately “graduate” from our services. Some you could cross on the street today and never know they have a diagnosis unless you knew them well or were specifically told. That’s not evidence of a “cure” for autism. But what it does illustrate that when we start early and parents stay committed to the process, we can help these kids reach their full potential to live full, productive, happy lives.
Our team of dedicated Fort Myers ABA, speech, OT, and physical therapists care about these kids. Our patients come first. And we know the sooner we can start treating them, the better chance they’ll have to succeed in whatever comes next.
So if you are concerned your child may be showing early signs of autism – do not wait. Ask your pediatrician for an autism screening and local ADOS test referral.
FOCUS offers speech therapy, occupational therapy, pediatric behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
More Blog Entries:
ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting, Fort Myers ABA Therapist Blog
Why We Love Play-Based Therapy for Kids in Speech, ABA, OT, and PT
FOCUS Therapy offers pediatric speech therapy, ABA therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
Additional Resources:
The Efficacy of Play Therapy With Children: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Outcomes., 2005, American Psychological Association
ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting
- focustherapy
- May 03, 2024
- Comments: ( 2 )
Are you a parent struggling with difficult child behaviors, but your child doesn’t qualify for intensive ABA therapy? If your child does not have a qualifying diagnosis for ABA, is on a waitlist for ABA, doesn’t have insurance to cover ABA, or you simply aren’t ready for the kind of major commitment ABA therapy requires to be effective, FOCUS Therapy offers Behavior Consulting for kids and parents in Fort Myers.
Our ABA therapists can give parents the tools to help them address a myriad of behavior problems – without requiring ADOS testing, physician referral, or comprehensive diagnostic testing and in-depth plans of care.
Although we are based in Fort Myers, FL we can also offer Florida virtual behavior consulting for kids & parents throughout state – and beyond.
Our services include consultation, parent coaching, written action plans, social stories, visual schedules, helpful books and video guides, follow-up sessions (over the phone, video conferencing, emails, etc.), and other tools to help parents get to the root of the behavior issue and implement effective course correction.
FOCUS offers child behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
Additional Resources:
Understanding Behavior: A Guide for Parents, The University of Pittsburgh
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- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy
How Autism Impacts Motor Skills – and How Fort Myers ABA & OT Helps
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- Tagged: ABA therapy, behavior therapy, Fort Myers ABA Therapy, Fort Myers occupational therapy, occupational therapy
Fort Myers ABA Therapy Outcomes Best for Kids Who Start Early, Attend Consistently
FOCUS Therapy offers pediatric ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
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Upcoming Sensory Friendly Activities in Fort Myers, Naples, and SWFL
Family fun time can take a little extra planning when your child has different sensory needs. Our FOCUS Florida ABA therapists are here to help. We’ve compiled a list of upcoming sensory friendly activities in Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita Springs, and beyond!
Not every venue or event is accommodating for kids with sensory processing disorder. The good news is it is getting better. An estimated 1 in 36 kids has Autism Spectrum Disorder (often with sensory processing difficulties) and as many as 1 in 20 people may be affected by sensory processing disorder. As recently reported by Success Magazine, more companies are recognizing this is a sizable percentage of their potential customer base – not to mention their own employees. Adopting sensory-friendly practices – and a more sensory-friendly environment overall – is good for business.
Sensory-friendly environments and events take into account the experiences of those who may be hypersensitive to loud noise, flashing or bright lights, large crowds, tight spaces, strong smells, or certain textures. They also consider the less commonly-recognized senses – vestibular (inner ear and balance), interoceptive (emotional and internal regulation), and proprioceptive (body awareness). Sensory-friendly spaces tend to have lower lighting, smaller crowds, reduced noise, minimal odors, and quiet corners. Some also offer “sensory kits” for guests, with items like noise-canceling headphones, fidget spinners, AAC cards, emotion wheels, and more.
Here, we list some great local sensory friendly activities in Southwest Florida, including Fort Myers, Naples, and beyond!
We Rock the Spectrum Fort Myers.
This inclusive, sensory-friendly gym and play space features suspended equipment with swings, crash mats and crash pillows, a zip line, trampoline, indoor play structure, fine motor arts & crafts area, and sensory toys. As a franchise, We Rock the Spectrum was founded with the intention of providing a safe place for kids of all abilities to play and learn together. Access is not limited to kids with disabilities or sensory processing difficulties. All are welcome to enjoy the gym, which hosts regular open play hours as well as special events like birthday parties and parents’ night out.
Alliance for the Arts – Family Art Lab.
Every third Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon, the Alliance for the Arts hosts a free Family ArtLab!, which welcomes families and kids of all abilities for hands-on art projects, gallery activities, games, and more. The center also offers regular programs for dance, music, art, and improv welcoming children with all abilities.
The Laboratory Theater of Florida.
The Laboratory Theater of Florida began offering sensory-friendly performances of many of its Fort Myers shows last year. Sensory-friendly performances feature lower sound and light levels (with all strobe light effects removed) and house lights that stay on low throughout the performance. Audience members are also free to stand and move around, leaving and re-entering the theater as needed. The north patio is designated as a quiet area during performances, and the theater’s volunteers are trained. Guests are also welcome to bring their own sensory supports, such as earplugs, headphones, tablets, fidgets, etc.
Calusa Nature Center.
The Calusa Nature Center in Fort Myers hosts Sensory Sundays at its planetarium, with shows specifically for guests with autism, sensory sensitivities, PTSD and/or young kids. All are welcome, with shows limited to a maximum of 50 audience members. The lights are on but dimmed, sound is down, and theater doors are open so people can move about as needed. Sensory-friendly toys are also available upon request.
Naples Therapeutic Riding.
The Naples Therapeutic Riding Center offers horseback riding that’s tailored to provide therapeutic benefits for kids – including sensory acceptance, communication, mental focus, coordination, balance, posture, fine/gross motor skills, and muscle strengthening. Programs are offered to individuals with cognitive, physical, and emotional disabilities who are at least 4-years-old. Instructors are PATH-certified.
Freedom Waters Foundation.
This is a non-profit organization that provides marine-based social and environmental programs geared toward children and adults with disabilities and veterans. The organization partners with local private and commercial vessel owners to provide small and large therapeutic boating, adaptive sailing,, and fishing opportunities in Lee, Collier, Broward, and Palm Beach counties. It’s programs are free to participants.
Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples.
The Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples offers sensory bins to guests with ASD and sensory processing disorder. These include weighted blankets, weighted seek & find, child-sized noise-canceling headphones and a visual timer. It also offers an “Exceptional Night” on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. – free for members and $5 for non-members – that is specifically for neurodivergent kids. The lighting and sounds are muted, cool-down spaces are available, and participation is limited to keep crowds minimal. The next two “Exceptional Nights” on the calendar are May 28, 2024 and June 25, 2024.
Have More Sensory-Friendly Activities in Fort Myers, Naples & Beyond?
Feel free to share them with us! We love keeping our FOCUS families in the loop about inclusive local activities!
FOCUS offers pediatric ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
Additional Resources:
KultureCity – Sensory Inclusive Certification
More Blog Entries:
5 Major Benefits of Our Fort Myers ABA Therapy, Feb. 7, 2024, Fort Myers ABA Therapy Blog
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Key Skills Our Fort Myers ABA Therapists Target
As Fort Myers ABA therapists, our work involves systematically teaching kids with autism spectrum disorder (and other developmental disabilities) a wide range of skills while simultaneously reducing challenging behaviors that are socially significant.
We do this using the principles of behavior analysis. That means we don’t just try to put a stop to behaviors. We recognize that all behavior, at its core, is communication. We use evidence-based approaches to get to the root of why a child is behaving in a certain behavior. Usually, motivations include access to attention, tangibles, escape, or sensory input/avoidance.
This understanding is what allows us to help kids phase out certain behaviors while also providing the tools that help them express themselves and meet their personal needs in ways that are clearer, safer, more effective.
A few guiding truths in behavior science are:
- Behavior is controlled by consequences.
- Reinforcement (i.e., reward) can increase or strengthen a behavior.
- Negative consequence can decrease or weaken a behavior.
- Extinction (withholding reinforcement of a previously reinforced behavior) can help us minimize challenging behaviors.
In working with children, we find that a mix of positive reinforcement and extinction tend to be the most effective approaches.
The Skills on Which We Spend the Most Time
The exact skills and behaviors targeted by our Fort Myers ABA therapists will depend heavily on the individual. We look at the child from the “whole child” perspective to determine what skills are going to be the most meaningful and significant for them – both now and in the future.
That said, most skills our Fort Myers ABA therapists are working on in our pediatric sessions fall under one of the following umbrellas:
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