
Back-to-School Support from FOCUS Therapy
It’s a new school year, which means a new routine – and all of us at FOCUS Therapy recognize the transition this year is especially significant because it’s the longest so many of our kids have been away from school for any one stretch. For some, this school year and all the milestones that go with it are going to continue to look much different.
School officially starts for students in the Lee County School District on Aug. 31st, with one of four instruction model options. The Fort Myers News-Press reports most will do so at half capacity. Desks will be spaced-out. Certain hallways and stairwells will be designated one-way. Classroom changes will be staggered and lunches will be served in classrooms to prevent large gatherings of students at any one place on campus. Approximately 58 percent of students are learning virtually, with 39 percent signing up for Lee Home Connect and 19 percent for Lee Virtual School.
Our dedicated team of therapists and staffers is SO excited to hear all about your first days back to school. Because this new year is going to mean many changes and everyone will be quite busy, we wanted to send out some friendly reminders to help families as they navigate through these challenges.
FOCUS Therapy Tips for the 2020-2021 School Year
- Communicate with your therapists. Not every adjustment is going to be easy. Communicate with your child’s therapists, not only on scheduling, but also to gain some insight on how your child adjust to all these changes so that they will be able to thrive in school.
- Plan ahead. Parent pickup/drop off lines are going to be long. Even with reduced class sizes, expect that social distancing rules are likely to mean things will be even slower-going, at least for a while. Give yourself plenty of time so you aren’t rushed on the way to your next destination.
- Establish a routine. This is so important for so many of our kids, regardless of their age and diagnosis. Helping kids understand what to expect and when to expect it, will be essential for making this work – whether you’re doing in-person or virtual schooling.
FOCUS Therapy is excited to be a part of this upcoming school year. We are here for you! Our goal is to help our patients and families not only survive these challenges, but to thrive – academically and beyond.
FOCUS offers speech, occupational, ABA and physical therapy for kids in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.
Additional Resources:
Back to school: Most Lee schools will be at half capacity, if not less, on the first day, Aug. 7, 2020, By Pamela McCabe, The News-Press
More Blog Entries:
New FOCUS Drop-Off & Pick-Up Policy Due to COVID-19 Concern, July 9, 2020, FOCUS Therapy Blog
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