FOCUS Therapy water week flier


Who says therapy has to be dry & boring? Let’s get this summer started!! At FOCUS Therapy in Fort Myers, we’re hosting a fin-tastic few days with Water Week, June 10-13 (Monday-Thursday).

Parents, if you want your child to participate, be sure to:

  • Arrive with your child already in their bathing suit, sunscreen already applied.
  • Pack a towel & a change of clothes.

We’ll have an inflatable water slide, water balloons, sprinklers, water games, and more!

All kids, all disciplines are welcome to join in the fun. Our speech, occupational, ABA, and physical therapy patients will be working on their therapy goals – from sensory processing and self-regulation to social skills and expressive communication to fine and gross motor skills.

If you have questions, feel free to ask your child’s individual therapist – or call the FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers office at (239) 313-5049. Can’t wait to SEA you there!

FOCUS offers pediatric speech therapy, occupational therapy, and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

2 Exciting Ways Water-Based Games Enhance Occupational Therapy Outcomes for Children, April 2, 2024, By Lyka Alcazar, Miss Millennia Magazine

More Blog Entries:

Is Your Child Sensory-Seeking or Sensory-Sensitive? Or Both? May 3, 2024, FOCUS Therapy Fort Myers Blog

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