child behavioral health consultant Lee County Florida

FOCUS Behavioral Health Consultants in Lee County, FL Empower Parents

As a parent, it can be incredibly frustrating to see your child struggle with behavior issues such as tantrums, defiance, aggression and social difficulties. While some children may qualify for Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA therapy), there are many who do not meet the criteria but still need support. This is where our leading behavioral health consultants step in.

These are board-certified behavioral analysts, experts in child behavior who are qualified to provide children with ABA therapy, who can also help empower parents to help their children overcome behavioral challenges.

Although our services are generally clinic-based in Fort Myers, Florida, we have a bit more flexibility with respect to behavior consulting. We can arrange to meet parents and caregivers in home visits, at school/daycare settings and virtually, as needed.

Fort Myers Florida behavioral health consultants

What Does a Behavioral Health Consultant Do?

Pediatric behavioral health consultants are professionals who specialize in a wide range of behavioral issues in children.

We work with families to develop strategies and interventions tailored to the child’s unique needs.

Using evidence-based approaches, we are able to support children and their families by formulating an effective approach to addressing difficult child behaviors that are impeding their social, emotional, academic and physical well-being.

These services are not typically covered by insurance policies (though they can be). But because it’s on a consultative basis, families are empowered with a tailor-made plan, crafted by a child behavior specialist, as well as the flexibility to simply check in and follow-up as-needed.

Parents also can use it as a stop-gap while their child is on a Florida waiting list for ABA therapy.

Process of Child Behavior Consulting

The process of pediatric behavior consulting by our BCBA team involves:

  • Assessment. We’ll conduct a thorough assessment of the child’s behavior. We’ll gather information from parents, teachers and other caregivers. We’ll observe the child. We may even do so in more than one sitting and in more than one setting. The goal is to try to identify the underlying causes of the behavior. Because remember: All behavior is a form of communication. What are they trying to communicate?
  • Intervention plan. From there, we will formulate an individualized intervention plan, based on our findings from the assessment. It will include specific strategies to address the child’s behavior. Most of these rely on tactics like positive reinforcement, setting clear expectations, teaching coping skills and maintaining consistency in parental response.
  • Parent training and support. Parents are in the driver’s seat with behavior consulting. We train parents and help them understand and apply effective behavior management strategies that they can use at home. Training may include modeling, role-playing, and providing specific feedback. We’ll also offer ongoing support, as is crucial for monitoring and maintaining progress. We’ll offer regular opportunities to check in, adjust the plan as needed and provide emotional support resources for parents.
  • Skill development. Lots of kids struggle with social skills and emotional regulation. It’s key to the services behavioral health consultants provide. We’ll identify ways parents can help improve these skills as well, which will carry over into other areas and help prevent future behavior issues.

All of our approaches are aimed at providing personalized interventions, comprehensive support and parent empowerment. We also have the benefit of working at a multidisciplinary pediatric therapy clinic, so we’re able to collaborate to receive insights from other child development specialists, like speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists.

Call us today for more information!

FOCUS offers child behavior consulting and ABA therapy in Fort Myers and throughout Southwest Florida. Call (239) 313.5049 or Contact Us online.

Additional Resources:

Behavioral Consultation, Applied Behavior Analysis Advanced Guidebook (Second Edition), 2023

More Blog Entries:

ABA Therapy vs. Behavior Consulting, May 3, 2024, Lee County Florida Behavioral Health Consultants Blog

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